Doker is a cli tool that provides a docker-cli experience but for a Kubernetes Cluster. It allows users to manage Images and Containers on the Kubernetes nodes by running a daemonset which interacts with the docker daemon.
Azure Service Fabric Mesh Controller
A Kubernetes Controller to create and manage your Service Fabric Mesh resources right from the Kubernetes Control Plane. Implemented using CRD's (Custom Resouce Definations), So as to offload your micro-service workloads to Service Fabric Mesh.
Vardhaman College Chatbot
Developed a chatbot which helps students keep track of their GPA, Attendance, Schedule and keep them with updated college related information. Vardhaman Bot is available on Facebook Messenger, Slack and on a website.
Service Fabric Chatbot
A Chatbot which can manage Nodes, Applications, Services on a Azure Service Fabric Cluster based on user's commands through channels like Cortana, FB Messenger, etc.
TSEP - Telangana State Eamcet Predictor
Developed a Web Application which predicted ranks and colleges for students according to their score in EAMCET (Engineering Agricultural and Medical Common Entrance Test). The prediction is almost accurate as it is based upon previous years data and analytics.
Dr.Bot is a presonalised healthcare assistant(chatbot) which helps you health related data like Diet, Medicines, etc. It's available on channels like Facebook, Skype, etc. Dr. Bot is just a message away.