By Phil Knight
Status: Finished Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
This is a popular autobiography suggestion on the Internet, and It definitely lives up it to its praises.
The book starts off with the story of Phil Knight as a young man, who just likes running and revolves around his family, friends, school, city, coaches, etc and tells about his journey of starting a company which most considered crazy then. Really shows the importance of how much you should trust your instincts sometimes.
Time and time again, we also see a pattern of Phil letting people do their job, especially the ones who are passionate. I think, This a very important takeaway, and shows how micromanaging could be devastating by going against creativity, and innovation at organizations.
One other fascinating thing was, how Nike sold the idealogy of running more so than their actual shoe product. I think this was something that the initial company did because a lot of the team were runners, coaches, etc making the team have a very high belief in that act. As we all see in Nike's advertisements, This is a very important part of their branding now.
100/100. would definitely recommend this